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Physical Therapist: April Bolding BPS
Service:Phoenix Heart ARISE™ Healing change
Date/time:Tue, Apr 30 at 11:00 AM (PDT) change

 If you are a new patient, we need you first to email us at so our administrator Mary Bruce can input you into the system, make sure you have the information you require, and the proper forms to fill out.  If you are an existing client, you can schedule your appointments on your own. Please note at this time you can only book in person appointments with approval from April or Mary. Thank you for understanding.  We are highly motivated to make your scheduling experience better so we welcome your feedback. If you have a more urgent need to see one us, please let Mary know and she'll do her best to help you get in sooner. Thank you!

Cancellation Policy: All cancellations require 48 hours or more of notice.  Last minute cancellations or not showing up to a scheduled appointment will be subject to a $150 fee.  A small independently-owned business cannot thrive with no-shows and last minute cancellations. Thank you for your understanding and for anticipating any schedule changes.

Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI)

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