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Physical Therapist: April Bolding BPS
Service:ABM-Maya Abdominal Therapy change

Note to women scheduling a Maya Abdominal Therapy appointment:  Schedule appointments when you are not menstruating.  If you are actively trying to conceive, it's ideal to schedule after your period and before you ovulate (first day of your period is day 1 and we ovulate around day 14).  Cancellation Policy: All cancellations require 48 hours or more of notice.  Last minute cancellations or not showing up to a scheduled appointment will be subject to a $150 fee.  A small independently-owned business cannot thrive with no-shows and last minute cancellations. Thank you for your understanding and for anticipating any schedule changes.*Please note if you don't see availability on the schedule please contact Mary Bruce at [email protected]. We almost always have some appointments that do not appear on the Full Slate schedule or we can usually get you in sooner through cancellations.

Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (PDT)